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Grandma's Hands

30 US dollars

Service Description

In September's class, we'll be using 2 or 3 basic stitches (perfect for beginners) to create some moody, fall embroidery on a square cloth- perfect to use as a bandana, altar cloth, or even turn into a pillow! Here's what you'll need: ~ embroidery floss in a few complementary colors (fall vibes, maybe?) ~ needle ~ embroidery hoop ~ solid colored, woven cloth, about 15” square or larger. You could buy yardage, upcycle a solid sheet or pillow case or use a blank bandana or scarf that are already hemmed around the edges. Working with woven (not stretchy) fabrics are much easier than knits. The lighter the color, the easier it'll be to see your pattern. ~ to transfer or draw a pattern onto your fabric you can use a watercolor pencil or a washable marker (like Crayola). Regular pencil can work BUT it might not wash out. If that bothers you, go with one of the other options. Before class you'll receive an email with the zoom link, as well as some modular pattern ideas to print and use (we'll do all the transferring together in class). There will also be space for you to add to/ subtract from the design as you feel called to- since really, this should come from your own heart. I would definitely plan on this class running closer to 90 mins.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel a free introductory call, please honor my time by letting me know at least 24 hours in advance. Thank you!

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