MoonSisters: Gratitude & Magic
Saturday 11.20 | 10am-noon Pacific, 1-3pm Eastern
Service Description
In this monthly class, girls ages 8-10 gather with their mothers for 2 hours to learn about the ecosystem of their bodies through stories, games, crafting and more- all in harmony with the energies of the season and designed to support girls in becoming confident, self-loving women. For this Thanksgiving special, we'll be delving into Native American wisdom through myth and an indigenous perspective on the first Thanksgiving. We'll explore our connection to the land we live on and how that's reflected in our own bodies. As we're meeting the day after the full moon, we'll also do an activity with those energies! You will need: • a comfy place where you can learn and relax together • a sketchpad (or you can use the journal above) and colored pencils or markers • a sheet of light colored card stock • scissors and white glue • access to the outdoors for a scavenger hunt/ foraging for craft supplies! (Don't tell your girl/s, but we'll be looking for colored leaves that are soft enough to cut and twigs. If you don't have any nearby, maybe you can collect some the day before) You may also want: • paint pens for adding details to your craft This will be an intimate experience via Zoom, and will not be recorded. You'll receive an email with the link and other details on the 17th. If you have any questions before or after, feel free to contact me at In the event that you need to give up your space, the cancellation deadline for a refund is Tuesday the 16th.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel a free introductory call, please honor my time by letting me know at least 24 hours in advance. Thank you!
Contact Details