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Click here for the 7-week one-on-one program


If you're reading this, it means you've been given the link to this secret page that isn't accessible from anywhere else on my site. Save it and protect it!

While safety might not be an issue for you, it is for many women with vindictive exes- especially those in the midst of their break-ups. Please help me in keeping this group safe for them by only sharing this link with women you know.

And in the nurturing privacy of this group, we can all become even stronger, wiser, and more resilient than we were before the narcissist/s tried to destroy us.



• • •

This is a secret page, reachable ONLY by having the direct link.

If you're here, that means someone knew
you could be entrusted with the 'key'.

It also means that you probably understand exactly why
privacy is so crucially important for those affected by narcissists (or other cluster b disordered people).

While there's room for compassion for folks with personality disorders, the TOP priority here is the security of the people
recovering from their abuse.

Please treat this link and this page as if someone else's
life depends on them. Better safe than sorry.

With that said- WELCOME!


Hi! I'm Olivia. Your guide in turning your worst nightmare into your greatest initiation.


I've had a narcissist on my back for over 20 years now-

5 years of dating, then 10 years of marriage, and now several years post-separation (and still experiencing post-separation abuse).


In some ways I don't recognize the person I was before 



No lying


No badmouthing other group members


Whatever our differences, we come together under common experience and a shared goal of growing from our pain


We recognize that 


cameras must be on, but you don't have to share if you aren't comfortable


sessions are not recorded

This group is an offshoot of my 1:1 Initiation by Narcissist recovery program.


The individual program is tailored to each person and follows a mapped trajectory.


The group program is less structured, but allows for for the special magic of a group of people uniting over a shared experience.


You can take one or both.



Topics include:​

creating inner safety

your emotional landscape



being a warrior

losing friends

complex ptsd



being gentle with yourself (when the narc tricks you)

giving yourself the life you deserve

surrendering to things you can't control (the narc)

a therapeutic life

recovering from the need to be liked

the superpowers of initiation by narcissist

the empath + narcissist equation

why you should become more narcissistic (and how)

remembering how to have fun






Activities include:

group shares




Hope and community for whatever stage of recovery you're in.

Initiation by Narcissist

This is a twice-monthly support group for those whose lives have been irrevocably changed by a narcissist, whether a partner, family member, spiritual leader, employer, or other.

While we may have terrible stories, we are determined to step into the growth, wisdom and character that our experiences offer and become the ultimate revenge of being even more unapologetically ourselves.

$40/ session
$60/ month (2 sessions)

Anatomy of a session
~meditation/ breathing exercise/ activity
~group share (5 minutes each, timed)

1. These sessions will not be recorded, for two reasons:
• privacy is incredibly important here and we won't take any chances.
• a support group is only as strong as its participants. As scary as it is to show up, that's part of the healing process. Your presence will help others heal just as their presence will help you.



Stay in touch.

Welcome- so happy to have you!

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Copyright 2023     Olivia Spencer.     All rights reserved.

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